Friday, August 17, 2012

Moving Daze: Part 3

Previously on Went From Being Married to Single:

As exciting as it was to have a new place to call my own, I would trade it all in to go back to the life my wife and I once shared... 

The place I called and reserved my 14’ truck said “No problem!” but U-Haul Inc. called Friday afternoon to inform me, “Problem!”

“Nothing like a good set of bungee cords,” I will now be saying to my children every chance I get.

I think I ended up with the ergonomically un-sound “kitchen work trapezoid” but that’s okay.  I got everything as organized as I could.

I was contemplating a nap when…the doorbell rang.

I sprung up from the floor and reached frantically for my ball cap, which was covered in sweat from moving all day.  In fact, my entire body was covered in the byproduct of spending the day in the heat and humidity: namely sweat and stench.  I didn’t have time for a shower and hiding in the bedroom probably wasn’t too neighborly like.  I was just going to have to face them as I was and hope it wasn’t some hot chick standing at my doorstep.

I made my way out of my room and went down the wrong hallway …stupid new house and not being fully comfortable with the layout yet!  A quick turnaround and I was at the front door.  I have narrow windows on either side which I could have used to see who was out there but I thought that might be rude.  I adjusted my hat and hoped the stink from moving wasn’t too bad.  I opened the door.

Next time:  I talk about who was there!

Nah, just kidding.  At the door was a small dog with an owner attached to it.  The owner was a young woman…younger than me at any rate which isn’t saying too much.  I would say around 30 or so. She had just come from the beach at the lake we have in our community.  She presented me with a card, a bottle of wine and welcomed me to the neighborhood.

At that point, time froze.  My mind started fast forwarding through the various ways the next few minutes could play out.  She had brown hair and brown eyes and was very attractive.  Could this be the next woman in my life?  Already?  How could that possibly be?  Seems like it had only been a week or so since my wife moved out.  Oh wait.  It was only a week or so ago.  I couldn’t figure out what was happening.  More importantly, what was my next move?

I thought back to when I was getting the house inspected. The original owner was there and we were talking about the neighborhood.  I jokingly asked in my best douchebag voice, “Any single chicks around here? I’ll be in the market, y’know.”  He said a couple houses down lived a single lady.  Could this be her?  Did he mention me to her and now she was checking me out? 

That made me feel a little awkward.  Was this the first time she saw me or has she been hiding in the bushes while I was unloading my truck?  Heck, there were plenty of trees and bushes to hide in.  Maybe she had been spying on me.  What if she’s some deranged lunatic who wants to get me into her house and then tie me down like that guy in Misery?  What if she thinks her dog is her brother or something? Or worse, what if her dog WAS her brother?

I needed to slow down.  I was taking this in all too fast.  Even if she was a deranged lunatic, she was a hot deranged lunatic so that accounts for something.  As I’ve said before, everything is better with Super Models and while maybe she wasn’t a super model, her looks definitely made things better.

My looks at the time, however, did absolutely nothing positive to the situation at all. Sweaty, stinky with scraggly divorce beard in full glory and hair that was due for a cut sticking out the sides of a mangy looking ball cap.  If first impressions meant anything, my first impression was that of a homeless person who just ran a 5K. 

I thought I should ask her in but she had her dog and may have felt uncomfortable bringing him/her inside my house and as it was, what was I inviting her in to?  A mostly empty house with a few dozen boxes strewn about?  I didn’t have any place to sit and there was a good chance my body odor would be more prevalent in an enclosed space. She was standing out on the front porch in the open air so it’s possible she hadn’t noticed it yet.

As my mind raced, I realized that time unfroze and I needed to say something.  “Thanks!  That’s great to have such a nice neighbor.  What’s your dog’s name?”  Okay, that wasn’t too bad.  There were worse things I could have said like “Hamburger popsicles are good for the teeth, don’t you think?” or “Will you marry me?” but I held it together and started off with a decent question.  She told me the dog’s name and said if I needed to know where anything was to just ask, she would be around or “Bob” (name changed to protect the innocent) would be around too. 


“Uh, Bob?” I stumbled. “Your…husband?” 

“Maybe someday,” she replied.

Ah.  Reality restored. 

Let’s be honest here. I was never going to ask her to marry me nor was I instantly smitten with her but I couldn’t help but have these racing thoughts as I met her.  I was entering my life of being single, in my new home and here was an attractive woman at my door. How could I not have thoughts of “What if…?” even if for a fleeting moment? 

The truth is, even if she was single, I was not in an emotional position to pursue any type of relationship.  It would be like having your hands crushed and then immediately sitting down to play the piano.  It didn’t make sense and would probably be extremely painful.  And let’s continue to face it, even if she was single AND interested in me, would it be an even remotely good idea for the first person I go out with after my divorce be my next door neighbor?  What if it doesn’t work out? Can we spell awkward?  (According to my spell check, yes.  Yes, I can).

The real point of all this babbling is that I am simply happy to see that I have a really nice neighbor and I look forward to becoming friends (yes, FRIENDS) with her and her boyfriend/fiancĂ©/significant other.  I just left a neighborhood where I had really nice neighbors and while I hope they will still be a part of my life, I want and need to establish relations with the people in my new neighborhood.  In my old job, I travelled a lot and didn’t have many opportunities to become closer with my neighbors.  I felt guilty that I was gone all the time and wanted to spend it with my wife and daughters.  Lately, however, I was able to establish better friendships with them and I hope to continue them even though I am not living in that neighborhood any longer.

In a way, your life is like a movie and the people you meet and become friends with are cast members.  It becomes a large, ensemble cast over time and it’s important to remember when they said their first lines.  That’s what I am trying to capture here.  I hope that the brief exchange I shared with my new neighbor isn’t a scene that ends up on the cutting room floor but rather becomes an integral part as we transition into Act Two of my life.

….or is this Act Three?  Four, maybe?  I’ve lost count. 

Next time: More stuff on moving

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